Capra lab photo 2022

Capra Lab Members

John Anthony (Tony) Capra
John Anthony (Tony) Capra
Principal Investigator
Scholar Citations

Tony Capra is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute at the University of California, San Francisco. He received his PhD in computer science from Princeton University and completed a postdoc in the Gladstone Institutes at UCSF. Prior to coming to UCSF, Tony spent 7 years at Vanderbilt University in Dept. of Biological Sciences and the Vanderbilt Genetics Institute (VGI).

Ava Xu
Ava Xu
Graduate Student
ava.xu (at)
Scholar Citations

Ava Xu is a Ph.D. student in the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Program and holds a Pharm.D. from Chapman University. She is interested in incorporating pharmacogenomics data to better predict Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic parameters. Ultimately, the goal is to use such models to provide personalized recommendations for patients and to guide clinical trial designs. Outside of research, she enjoys hiking and trying out new restaurants.

Colin Brand
Colin Brand
Postdoctoral Scholar
Scholar Citations

Colin is an evolutionary genomicist and studies evolutionary processes and the molecular underpinnings of phenotypic differences among humans, archaic hominins, and non-human primates. He received his PhD in Anthropology from the University of Oregon in 2021.

Erin Gilbertson
Erin Gilbertson
Graduate Student
erin.gilbertson (at)

Erin is a PhD Candidate in the Biological and Medical Informatics Program. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Genetics, Cell Biology and Development with a minor in Computer Science. Her research interests revolve around using machine learning methods to understand the evolution of gene regulation. Outside of the lab she enjoys playing guitar, cooking and spending time outdoors.

Grace Ramey
Grace Ramey
Graduate Student
grace.ramey (at)

Grace is a PhD student in the Biological and Medical Informatics (BMI) program at UCSF. She graduated from UCLA with a dual B.S. in Computational and Systems Biology and Neuroscience. Her research interests include obtaining phenotypic predictions from gene expression data using machine learning, and outside of the lab she enjoys rock climbing and trivia.

Hannah Takasuka
Hannah Takasuka
Graduate Student
Scholar Citations

Hannah Takasuka is a DDS/PhD student in the Oral and Craniofacial Sciences Program. She is a 2022 graduate of Johns Hopkins University with majors in biomedical engineering and Spanish. Prior to UCSF, she conducted academic and industry research in cell biology, tissue engineering, and hardware/software development of medical devices. She also underwent orthognathic (corrective jaw) surgery, experiencing first-hand how a severely dysfunctional and unaesthetic orthodontic bite can negatively affect both physical and mental health. This inspired her to shift her focus and pursue studies in dentistry and oral sciences. She is currently exploring dental electronic health record data and leveraging medical electronic health record data to quantify maternal comorbidities for mothers who deliver early preterm (<32 weeks gestational age), late preterm (32-36 weeks), spontaneous preterm (labor and delivery not induced by a doctor), or medically-indicated preterm (induced by a doctor). Outside of research, Hannah enjoys running, soccer, rock climbing, Christian fellowship, learning languages, and community service/advocacy.

Sebastián is a Ph.D. student in the Biological and Medical Informatics program and holds a B.S. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras. He leverages electronic health record data for deep phenotyping and integrates these data with molecular datasets to characterize complex diseases with clinically heterogeneous presentations. Outside of the lab Sebastián is an amateur kitesurfer, a dedicated road cyclist, occassional literature and cinema enthusiast, and former violist.

Yaen Chen
Yaen Chen
Graduate Student
yaen.chen (at)
Scholar Citations

Yaen (Yah-En) is a PhD student in the Biological and Medical Informatics program at UCSF. She works on exploring the contributions of Neanderthal introgressed genomic regions in moderns humans and how they affect structural/functional brain phenotypes, along with psychiatric disease risk. Before joining UCSF, she graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor’s in Behavioral Neuroscience and a minor in Data Science, studied tau biology at AbbVie, and conducted neuroimaging research though Northeastern University’s Music, Imaging and Neural Dynamics Laboratory and Massachusetts General Hospital’s Eating Disorder Research and Clinical Program. Today, she continues to advocate for diversity in research, increased mental health awareness, and hopes to be a mentor in the spaces she is a part of. Outside of the lab, you can find Yaen being a guest in the Bay Area hip-hop dance community, exploring San Francisco on her bike, playing too much Candy Crush, and crafting.

Capra Lab Alumni


Bian Li, 2019 – 2021

David Rinker, 2016 – 2021

Greg Sliwoski, July 2016 – May 2019
Current Position: Senior Data Scientist, Lose It!, Cambridge, MA

PhD Students

Keila Velázquez-Arcelay (Biological Sciences), Summer 2018 – Summer 2023

Sarah Fong (Human Genetics), Fall 2018 – Summer 2022
Current Position: Postdoc, Ahituv Lab, UCSF

Souhrid Mukherjee (Biological Sciences), Summer 2017 – Spring 2022

Evonne McArthur (MSTP/Human Genetics), Fall 2018 – Spring 2022

Abin Abraham (MSTP), Fall 2017 – Spring 2021

Mary Lauren Benton (DBMI), Summer 2016 – Summer 2020
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics at Baylor

Laura Colbran (Human Genetics), Summer 2016 – Summer 2020
Current Position: Postdoc in the Mathieson Lab at UPenn.

Ling Chen (Biological Sciences), Summer 2014 – Winter 2019
Current Position:: Senior Data Scientist at Illumina

Alexandra Fish (Human Genetics), Summer 2012 – Spring 2017
Current Position: Senior Scientist, Genomics PLC, Oxford, UK

Corinne Simonti (Human Genetics), Summer 2013 – Spring 2017
Current Position: Postdoc, Lachance Lab, Georgia Tech

Mike Sivley (Biomedical Informatics), Summer 2013 – Winter 2017
Current Position: Scientist, Genomics PLC, Oxford, UK


Elizabeth Dorans, Undergrad Intern, 2019–2020

Kevin Yang, Undergrad Intern, Summer 2018 – Summer 2019

Daniel Yan, Undergrad Intern, Summer 2018

Xiaoyi Dou, Undergrad Intern, Summer 2016 – Spring 2017, Summer 2018

Chantay Young, Undergrad Intern, Summer 2017